New Masters Class Starting
15th June 2024

New Masters Class

Do you remember watching the first Karate Kid movie in a real movie theatre, and thinking that looks cool? Fancy giving it a go?

We are planning another 50+ Masters Class which starts on Saturday 15th June at 11am. It is a 10-week beginners karate course aimed at introducing you to karate in a safe and supportive environment alongside your peers. The class size is limited to 10 people so there will be lots of time to learn the basics well and work at your own pace. 

If you are at least fifty years old then sign up today to our exclusive new Masters Class before it fills up. 

The September and February Masters Classes were a huge success with 13 new karateka now lining up as white belts. Here are the photos of their first grading. The adage is that a black belt is simply a white belt who never gave up – that could be you. Give it a go. 

Use the sign-up form below, and start your karate journey today as part of your 2024 fitness and well-being goals.